General Advice: Ask your teacher for help when you don´t know how to do something because she can explain it to you so you understand.
Keep your notes really neat so you can read over them in Year 11.
If you are behind in theory catch up in lunch
Go to bed before midnight
Go to bed early so that you can focus during lessons
(Loads of students commented on this issue, recommending getting lots of sleep).
Cut down on your social life a few weeks before the exam.
Make your own notes which you can glance back at before the day of your exams, to refresh your memory.
Make sure that notes are written down during lessons, as that lesson may never come again.
Keep sports and studying in balance.
Make sure that all your coursework, especially ICT, is handed in on time.
If you don’t complete the coursework by the deadlines then you miss your lunchtimes.
Organize your notes.
Take away major distractions such as World of Warcraft.
DO NOT Play WOW: it is one of thr most highly addictive games you can play.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle e.g. fitness.
Have a 5 minute break every 40 minutes.
Stay hydrated as dehydration causes lack of concentration.
Set units of time throughout your week ie. 1 unit = 30mins, so do 3 units each day spread out.
DO NOT let your social life take over your academic studies.
Do your best during lessons, listen to the teacher. That way when you revise you’ll realize you know the stuff and you can focus on things you don’t know.
Make a timetable.
Don’t be shy in class when asking questions.
If you have a laptop remove the internet connection before doing homework.
Make sure your activities after school aren’t too much and that you have time for your homework.
If you don’t understand something in the subject then make sure you go and ask the teachernto properly explain it to you, don’t leave it to the last minute.
Don’t take too many sick days off school or you will get really behind.
Make sure your coursework is to a high quality don’t be lazy with it. You can walk into your GCSE’s with up to 60% of your work done (100% if you do drama).
And worthy of repeating:
Take control of your computer addictions
And from one student…..
“Quit yo jibba-jabba during the class foo’” (in a Mr T voice)