Thursday, 30 October 2008

Vote Obama

Here is a pro-Obama piece written and presented by Martin (written in Poetry Week!):

John McCain, What a pain

Likes to fight wars in iraq

Is he good, is he vain?

Maybe not, lets vote Barack!

Palin and McCain, are they the right choice?

I think not! They want what Bush wants, War in Iraq

But that isn’t what the people want, they want their loved ones to come home.

Do they listen, or will they just keep the war going?

You decide, to stop the suffering of those in iraq, or to stop the hopes of those at home.

Barack Obama's Website

Vote McCain

Here is a pro-McCain presentation selected and prepared by Pilar:

John McCain has always put his country's interests before any party, special interest and even his own self-interest. He has always and will always do what is right for America.
Under a McCain presidency the United States will experience robust economic growth, and Americans will again have confidence in their economic future. A reduction in the corporate tax rate from the second highest in the world to one on par with our trading partners; the low rate on capital gains; allowing business to deduct in a single year investments in equipment and technology, while eliminating tax loopholes and ending corporate welfare, will spur innovation and productivity, and encourage companies to keep their operations and jobs in the United States.
What are you waiting for?
Vote For John McCain,
Vote For An Improved America.

Promotional video from John McCains website


Here is a direct quote from Sarah Palin, trying to justify her raising the supposed links between Obama and Bill Ayres (who had been a domestic terrorist). If you get to the end without having to stop and reread...well done!

"It is pertinent, it's important because when you consider Barack Obama's reaction to and explanation to his association there, and without him being clear at all on what he knew and when he knew it, that I think kinda peaks into his ability to tell us the truth on, not only on association but perhaps other things also ... so, it's relevant, I believe, and I brought it up in response to the New York Times article having been printed recently, and I think it just makes us ask the question that, if there's not forthrightness there, with that association and what was known and when it was known, does that lead us to ask, is there forthrightness with the plans Barack Obama has or say tax cuts, or spending increases, makes us question judgment. And I think it's fair and relevant."

Try this link for more election info:

US Election Briefing

Mrs Gardner

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Year 9 American Election Project

Year 9 have been working on a project covering the american elections. Each class have been divided into a Republican Party group and a Democratic Party group. Within each group they have been further divided into a positive campaign team and a negative campaign team. The positive group research the presidential and Vice-Presidential candidate of their party and produce campaign posters giving reasons why you should vote for them. The negative campaign group research the candidates of the other party and produce posters stating why you should not vote for them. You will see them around school on the 3rd and 4th of November.

Students will post some of the research and work here into the blog. Read what they have written and then make a decision as to who you would vote for.

The poll to vote for the next EIC President of the USA will be activated for 24 hours. Please vote!!!!

Mrs Gardner